PubNub Service Blueprint

Service Designer
Service Design

A comprehensive service blueprint was created to depict the end-to-end journey of customers on the PubNub platform. This initiative aimed to offer clarity on product interplay, guide the narrative for customer interaction, and serve as a tool for cross-team enablement.

I was the lead on this initiative - I recognized a gap in understanding within our team about the holistic customer journey and took it upon myself to design and execute on a service blueprint, drawing on insights from cross-functional teams and promoting a collaborative approach among designers.

Despite the existing wealth of knowledge on PubNub’s products, there was a missing unified vision. This manifested in team meetings where the overarching strategy and vision for user adoption of new products remained unclear.

  1. Lack of clarity on end-to-end customer journey: Team members were unsure of how various initiatives interlinked and contributed to the overall user experience on PubNub.
  2. Disjointed Information: Although information existed on various wikis, it was siloed, making it challenging to piece together a coherent narrative.
  3. Onboarding and In-depth Product Analysis: New team members and those delving deeper into specific product areas lacked a consolidated source of truth to understand how various team efforts impacted the customer journey.

  1. Creation of the Service Blueprint: Through consultations with cross-functional teams, both frontstage and backstage aspects of the user’s journey were captured. Additionally, I involved other designers to reflect on and refine product area journeys, leading to an inclusive and detailed blueprint.
  2. Presenting the Blueprint: The blueprint was showcased at a Product Townhall, acting as a call to action for teams to refine it further and identify opportunities or crucial points in the journey.
  3. Cross-team Enablement: Post-townhall, I identified teams that would most benefit from a workshop or working session centered on the blueprint. This was done to ensure that the blueprint wasn't just a static document but a tool for active collaboration and refinement.
  4. Engagement Measurement: The success of the blueprint was gauged by its engagement on the tool "TheyDo", with the underlying philosophy of creating a pull rather than push approach to information.

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